Monday, June 23, 2014

The Second Coming of The Lord

The Second Coming of The Lord

There are many things that believers can watch for in order to be prepared to meet The Lord in the second coming. In Mark 13 we discover the following things we can do in order to be more prepared.
We can take heed and not allow others to deceive ourselves. How do we do that? Study the scriptures, pray, and follow our prophets. I have always loved the primary song which states, "Follow the prophets, follow the prophets, he know's the way." How true that is.
We know that we need to watch out for ourselves. Members of the church will be beaten or brought before rulers as a testimony against them. As a church, our beliefs are not always in line with the rest of the world. We may be confronted to stand up for ourselves and for our beliefs. We are to stand as a testimony of Christ in our daily lives.
Christ reminds us that he has foretold us all of these things. If we will but search the scriptures then we can learn of all the things which shall come to pass. Scripture study combined with prayer can keep us safe from the happenings which precede the second coming.
We do not know the hour of the second coming. However, just as a servants of a household may not know the hour at which their master will return, we must always be prepared for his coming.
We must always be watching and waiting, steadily preparing.
k   There are additional truths taught to us in the Doctrine and Covenants as well as Joseph Smith - Matthew Translation concerning how to prepare for the second coming. They are as follows:
·         D&C 87:8 Stand in holy places and be not moved.
·         JST-Matt 1:32 The abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel the prophet will be fulfilled.
·         JST-Matt 1:37 Those who treasure the word of God will not be deceived. Christ will come and he will send angels before to sound his coming. They will gather together the elect to meet him.
·         JST-Matt 1:46-50 Watch, we do not know the hour when the Lord will come. Prepare and be found doing the work of the Lord.
·         D&C 33:17 Pray always and have our lamps ready for the coming of Christ.
·         D&C 45: 56-57 The parable of the ten virgins will be fulfilled. Those that are wise and receive the truth will have the Holy Spirit as their guide and will not be deceived.

T   The key to preparing for the coming of the Lord is to prepare. While we may not know the day or the hour in which he will return, we know that he will. We must prepare and live worthy of his presence so at that day that either he comes, or we return to him, he may welcome us and say "Thy good and faithful servant." 

Monday, June 16, 2014

Temporal Marriage and the Resurrection

Temporal Marriage and the Resurrection

1. Review Mark 12:41-44 and the institute student manual commentary for Mark 12:41-44, “What was the significance of the Widow’s gift?” (pg. 148). Write an explanation of how the widow lived what the Savior taught in Mark 12:28-30.
The widow gave all that she had. Her offering was measured in quality rather than quantity, and by the spirit with which she gave. We learn many times throughout the scriptures that we are to give with a willing heart and serve with true intent, if not, it isn’t worth our service. The widow lived what the Savior taught by giving all that she had. Previously, a young man came to Christ and asked him what else he could do to gain salvation after he had already followed all the commandments. God told him to go away and sell all that he hath, but he could not. The widow here did just that by giving away all that she hath.
2. Even though the widow gave less money than wealthier people gave, according to Mark 12:44, how much of what she had did she give? Write a paragraph describing what this teaches about what constitutes an acceptable offering to the Lord. How does 2 Nephi 25:23 apply to what the widow did?
By grace we are saved after all we can do. The widow gave all that she had and grace made up for the rest. God promises us that if we do our best, and come to him with a true and sincere heart and a contrite spirit that he will provide the rest. The atonement allows God to accept our meager offerings to make up for what we lack.

3. Write two or three sentences describing a way, aside from the donation of money, that you could better follow the widow’s example of sacrifice and obedience. 

It is easy to sometimes give of our time and resources because we are supposed to. One way that I could do better at following the widow’s example would be to be more involved in my visiting teaching. It is easy to complete my visits in order to get the numbers or check the task off my list, just as the priests gave their money freely because they were supposed to, but they didn’t really give of themselves. When I go visiting teaching if I go and give the lesson but do not personalize it or follow the spirit in how to best serve my sisters, then I am doing just as the priests did. We need to serve with our heart and be sensitive to the spirit.