Wednesday, November 5, 2014

We do not doubt our mothers knew it.

When the Stripling Warriors went in to battle they were armed with the gospel because they had been taught by their mothers.

Our children are entering a world in which they must be armed with the armory of the gospel. The First Presidency called the parents and pleaded with them to "devote their best efforts to the teaching and rearing of their children in gospel principles which will keep them close to the Church. The home is the basis of a righteous life, and no other instrumentality can take its place or fulfill its essential functions in carrying forward this God-given responsibility (First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1999).

I recently had a friend post a comment on facebook in regards to a comment similar to this given by an Apostle. The Apostle had stated that it is a mother role to stay home and rear their children in righteousness. While that comment was made in a different time than today, much of what they stated still rings true. As women, there is a higher demand for us to work outside of the home, whether it be in order to support our family or establish ourselves. The Church is not demeaning women when they ask them to stay home, rather they are helping them remember their primary and foremost responsibility.

Our first responsibility should be in the home. We have been given a call to devote our BEST efforts to the teaching and rearing of our children. The home is the basis of a righteous life. In the world we live in today where evil can lurk in our homes through our television, cell-phones, i-pads, and music, we should be doing all we can to protect our children.

While we may trust daycare to care for our children, and we may appreciate the teaching done in primary and sunday school, we cannot rely upon these sources alone for our children's understanding of gospel principles.

The best lesson is taught by example. Teach your children in daily life how to apply the Atonement. Teach them the importance of the Savior and how to speak with him through prayer, scripture study, and pondering. Most importantly, love your children. Motherhood is a calling and a wonderful opportunity, not an obligation.

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